Sunday, 24 January 2016

SolidWorks - Draft

The Draft function is used to create angle at certain face.This function is widely used on injection moulding parts. Parts fabricated by injection moulding parts would typically require certain draft angle to facilitate the removal of the parts from the mould.

Accessing the Function

The easiest way to access the function is through the Features ribbon.

Alternatively, it could be accessed through Insert > Features > Draft.

SolidWorks draft feature
Accessing Draft feature

Draft Options

The Draft function is pretty straight forward as there is not many options to this feature. To create draft angle, first select the Normal Face (highlighted in pink on picture below). The Normal face is the surface perpendicular to the draft face. Next select the Surfaces to Draft (highlighted in blue on picture below).

SolidWorks draft feature
Setting up Draft feature
Results will be shown as below.
SolidWorks draft feature
After adding Draft angle
Note that during setting up the draft feature, there is small arrow pointing upward at the Normal face. This arrow indicates the 'pulling' direction, where the top face would become the smaller cross section area, and the lower face would become the bigger cross section area. Should this arrow is pointing downwards, the end result would looks like an inverted pyramid.