Saturday, 5 January 2013

Gallery - Range Rover Classic

The Range Rover Classic is the second car I model after the Nissan 370Z Fairlady. Compared to my first car model, I feel that this is a much better model. Having much more details, all the surfaces are smooth, no abrupt transition between adjacent surfaces. Took me around a month to complete (averaging two hours per day).
The main assembly itself consists of:
  • The body shell (including all the doors and windows)
  • Wheel (the tire and the rim)
  • Headlights and fog-lights.
Not a very realistic assembly tree (I need much more powerful computer to make realistic assembly tree!), but nonetheless, it looks quite a like the real thing though =)


Further project, I would like to make the assembly looks more real, Probably to separate the side mirror with the body shell assembly so that I can have it folded =)


The full assembly - shown with the guide curves and sketches.

Head light, fog light, and front grill.

The wheel - one part that I think really look alike the actual one.

Front air intake

Side mirror - Still in one piece with the body shell.